Sunday 15 January 2012

New year - New look

Starting with a new blog... And a large dose of staring at the screen with no idea what to type.

I guess i should start with some sort of introduction....

This is me.... In a wig

My name is Fiona, Fee for short... but never Fee-Fee *gag*.  I'm 30yrs old and live in the southern suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland. I fight with a 9-5 administration job and i run my own business DesignByFee in my spare time.

Two of my favourite things are making a noise and making a mess - both of which i get to do often.

I am craft mad and read far too many craft blogs for my own good.

I am not good a finishing thin......... i often get distracted...

I plan to blog about various crafts, either my own or others that i have found inspiring.  A bit of daily life thrown in for balance and some pretty pictures along the way.

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